Never chase your girlfriend when she pulls away. Here's why.

truth talk
6 min readJul 26, 2022

It's 100% your fault, bro!

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You need to be better, bro!

Being a man, we have all been there. Either with a girl you like or your actual girlfriend. They will eventually pull away. This is a feature, not a flaw. You might have done nothing wrong, but most likely, you have.

So let's go over some things.

Your girlfriend will likely pull away from you sometime in your relationship. You being the man, you need not care. Let her. If you expect this, it'll be better for you, and you can plan accordingly.

It doesn't matter if she's pleased and content with you right now. It could change in 2 days, weeks, months, or years. You honestly never know. Either way, you should always work on yourself, not just your relationship.

Have hobbies and goals outside your girl. That is what attracted her to you in the first place.

Now you're always around her and smothering her. At first, she liked it. Now it's getting annoying. You honestly wouldn't like that either if you liked her less. Please think of the times a girl wanted you, and you didn't like them back. Women get that every day, especially if she's pretty. She picked you already, so chill and let her do whatever she wants while you continue to work on yourself for yourself. Not for anyone else.

No. Not every girl is the same.

Your girlfriend might not pull away. She won't pull away if you play every single move right. This is up to you. But you're not perfect.

Be the man, bro!

Humans, in general, enjoy their own space. If she pulled away, it's 100% your fault as the man. Why would she take the blame for pulling away?

This is hard truth talk time.

Do not expect the feminine to lead, care, or tell you the truth. If they do, that's a bonus, but don't expect it, or you'll be let down eventually. That can be applied to a lot of areas in life.

Rely on and expect from yourself first.

Be tolerant of others. Be ruthless with yourself.

It is your mistake to expect too much from anyone—especially your girlfriend. You need to be there to lead and guide HER. This won't be hard if she sees you as capable and a leader. But most men nowadays are not leaders, so why would anyone follow you? What have you done? Who are you? Do you know where you're going? Do not expect anything from anyone if you can't provide it for yourself first.

Your energy sets the tone, but wait? She has energy too. Yes, she does, and sometimes negative energy is more powerful than positive energy, so you're going to let hers overcome yours? That's weak, and you shouldn't.

Yes, that's easier said than done.

Own your frame and own your life. No one can knock you off your square or detour you from your goals. Win!

It's all up to you and how YOU react if she comes back or not

It's a test. Whether consciously or subconsciously, why she's doing this. Who knows? Also, who cares. Let her do whatever she wants. You probably don't want to take care of her anymore anyway. Just saying.

Let them pick someone else and close the access door to you behind them.

Don’t let them come back. That sounds harsh and petty, but why did she leave in the first place. You can try to work it out if it's because of a fight and real-life issues.

But if this keeps happening for no reason, she becomes hot and cold. She doesn't like you, and there is probably something or someone else getting her attention. You, the man, shouldn't want attention from women in the first placeThat's why the dynamics are off, to begin with.

95% of guys chase her further away when she pulls away. Let her go. I will keep saying that until it sticks. You're the most remarkable thing since sliced bread; act like it! She won't find anyone better than you. Even if she does, who cares.

Being the man, you need to have the upper hand. It would be best if you had more of the power in the relationship. Yes, that's stupid, but that's how the game is played. Yes, dating is a game. It should be a fun game, but lately, no one is having fun.

Return the energy you get.

Never ask or plead with them to stay or come back. They missed out.

You wouldn't care if you had or knew multiple women and had options. But at the same time, numerous women are a headache. So honestly, bro, it doesn't matter. Become a better you in everything you do. And enjoy your life!

Most guys don't have a problem getting women. It's keeping them.

Gentlemen, here's a little secret. Women do not want to be kept nowadays. The majority don't.

No, I know, not all women are like this. Calm down, justice warrior.

What you should be doing as a man is

Make money. Make muscles. Make moves.

There's nothing about women you need to worry about. She will do whatever she wants to do anyway. She will be there, or she won't.

I once had a girl who wanted me to text, call, and try harder. I did. It was fantastic for a little while. We went on dates. Met each other friends, and had food and fun. Then what happened? Nothing happened. She eventually left. I was looking back on it now. I'm glad she did. Gave me a re-focused direction in my life. That wasn't what I wanted out of my life. I am pleased about where I am at right now. And without her. I did like her, and we had fun, but I am glad I learned that lesson on how to better myself for myself and not for her.

What women say they want and actually want are two different things.

So the actual thing to do is focus on yourself and be clear with your goals.

Your accomplishments will still be there after she is gone. That's why men love achievements so much! You did the work and took the time to get something in your life. It's not about the flexing and IG posts. It's about the process and vision you brought to life.

Don't let anyone take that away from you.

They'll love you till they dont. And you cant control them; you can only control yourself. Dont care too much about them. It is personal but try not to take it that way.

Neediness with women is a sin and unattractive.

Dont ever worry about where you stand with women, any woman, or even your girl. She will tell you if she wants to. Let her do whatever she wants to do. That will show you all you need to know.

Stop investing into her SO much if she's not investing in you too. Women want a man that doesn't need them. Neediness puts too much pressure on them.

It makes no logical sense, but it's not about logic.

Stop dating with logic. Dating is emotional. Date more off instincts but also move like you're number 1 in your life. Watch your back, and don't get taken advantage of. Focus on your goals.

If she pulls away, you pull away too. You have other stuff to do anyway.

Don't men go after what they want? This thought process doesn't work with women. That would be fine with almost everything else but not women or people because you can not control others outside yourself.

This is a you vs. you game.

It only matters about your perceived value. Not your actual tangible value. You know, fake it until you make it. It's up to her and the market to determine your worth. Yes, you can be valuable, but it's also what they think. It's not just about you.

There's nothing you can do to change other people's minds once it's made up. There's nothing you can do to change her feelings once they are gone.

The one who cares the least wins. -Stupid

This is a game I don't play anymore, but some men still do. Yes, I could break everything down even more refined, and not everyone is the same, but I know you'll relate to some point in this post.

Please leave a comment and feedback on what you agree and disagree with.

To the men, focus on your goals! The right women will show up one day.

Thank you for reading.



truth talk

The tongue is a powerful weapon. Speak wisely. This isn't hate, it's just the truth.