Women will always leave you! And men, it’s your fault.

truth talk
7 min readMay 12, 2022

Yes, your fault. I’ll explain in 10 points!

Values & Resources-

In today's dating market, you have to have resources. Hell, in life, you have to have help. You’ll need money, a network, or other ways to get things done. What do you value? What goals are you reaching? Does she appreciate the same things? The girl you want reflects you and your values. If values are not mutual, they won't last long. You’ll never get along and be fussing and fighting most of the time. Resources come and go. You cannot provide one day and have everything you ever wanted the following year. Stay focused. When it comes to resources, DO NOT FALL OFF. Do not stay down for too long, or she will leave you eventually. Would you like to stay with an unattractive woman? That's how she feels when you don't have the resources to provide a good lifestyle. And it's understandable. Think about it; she wants a MAN.

Know your values together & gain resources.


How you think and move shows a lot about you. Everyone feels the energy, especially women you like. Your friends know you. Your family knows you. Energy is universal and understood everywhere. That comes from your mindset. Seeing a pretty girl that you THINK is out of your league one day will be. Do not put her too high on the pedestal. She’ll have no other choice but to look down at you. It would help if you switched to “I can have anything I want” and believe that. Anything you want in life can be yours.

Work so hard on yourself you do not care what anyone else thinks or is doing.

You are the prize mindset. WIN!

Emotions & Weakness-

You are way too in your feelings. This was most likely my problem. Do not tell her too much of what you're thinking or want. Women do not respond well to men's emotions. They are the emotional ones or should be, at least. So they do not know how to cater to a man's emotions. Men hide their feelings for this reason. Women do not show sympathy for men. If you're more emotional than her, it puts her in a more substantial role that she doesn't want to be in. Nowadays, women are so used to playing mom and dad that they can not let up when a man is in their life. You showed emotions as a man makes you look weak when she plays gangster all day. She will look at you as soft if you have too many feelings, significantly more.

Stay calm. It's not that serious.

The Pressure

Putting too much pressure on a woman will make her fold. She doesn't want to have to think about much. You are the man. It would be best if you handled EVERYTHING. Sometimes it's not fair; you get tired too, but you need to control everything. Life isn't fair. And life doesn't care about you. But if you care about her, make things happen without putting her under a lot of pressure to decide. That is not her job. The man should figure it out, and if you leave it up to her, she will leave you and find a real man who handles business.

She can go with the flow as long as it's flowing where you want it to go.

You Settled-

You settled with a woman below your level of attraction. When you're always around her, you get used to her. Now you're comfortable. At first, you loved her and honestly still do. You loved to look at her. You loved to talk to her. You loved to feel her. Now she's a little lower in attraction because you see her all the time. She hasn't gained weight or anything. You're just used to seeing her. If she's below a 9 in YOUR eyes, it probably won't work long term. You'll get used to her and not feel the same love you once felt for her. But to be fair, she’ll feel the same too about you. You're too predictable because of the familiarity it is in seeing you. You have to have a life outside of her. Do not give your validation to her too freely also. It sucks we have to play these games, but you have to keep the spark alive.

DO NOT get with a woman you don't see as a 9 or 10.

Also, don't get with her if she doesn't see you as the man too!


When a woman doesn't like you, she will become a raging b****. She will push you away to pursue other options. She wants YOU to break up with her. Most likely for a few reasons. The biggest reason is that she wants to play the victim and throw you under the bus. And not recall what she did wrong in this situation. LET HER. LET HER GO! Regardless of how you end, gentleman, you will always be the villain. Assume everything you say to a girl is public record. Her friends know. Her mom knows. The guys she has as your replacement knows. All of your text is screenshotted. She will nag and nag (and nag) until you're tired, and YOU break up with her. That's what she wants. She doesn't want to be the one to end it. Men, why do you stay? Please stop trying to work it out. Break up with her. She had already moved on at this point. She won't end it herself. Sometimes she might be fed up, but it would help if you did the same and moved on.

Women stick around long after the relationship is over.

They will not leave you without a safe place to land first. (most times)

You don't validate her-

Women love to be adored, admired and wanted. If you do this, you'd be called a simp or put in the friendzone. If you don't do this, you'd be called an asshole and abusive. You do have to validate her, but it should be mutual. You're only a simp if you do things and she does nothing for you. Don't count favors, but we all know when something doesn't feel right and is one-sided. Gentlemen, please be friendly to your women. Because if your relationship does end, she’ll think every guy after you are a dog or a jerk. But honestly, the next guy isn't your problem at that point.

(Or you validate her too much!) You're too nice. Too accommodating and too needy. This will make women run away so fast! Pretty much my above point in “the pressure.” Do not put pressure on her to do ANYTHING. You can't make anyone do anything, especially a female. Show her a benefit to herself and why she should care. Make her believe loving you is HER idea. If you can't do that, she will eventually leave.

There's nothing you can do. If she wants to leave, she will. Validation or not.

She tests you a lot-

To start drama, she will give you a little dumb ass test that means nothing, but if you “fail,” she can get mad and start shit. Then once you fail, more and more tests come. This is natural, and most women don't realize they’re doing this. It's the “break up to make up” test. To men, this is stupid, but females do this ALL the time. Why break something that isn't broken? To them, they do not think that way. They need to spice it up. Create some conflict to see if you still care or want them around. It makes no sense, but it doesn't have to. You have to create conflict in her. Stir her emotions. The worst thing you can do is make her feel nothing. Boring a woman is the number one sin in the book.

Be broke, rich, funny, ugly. JUST DO NOT BE BORING! EVER!


Close to the previous settling point. You got comfortable. One or both of you do not care anymore. Taking each other for granted is a surefire way for things to end. Appreciating each other how you did, in the beginning is beautiful but hardly ever happens that way. After a while, you’ll get tired of each other. The honeymoon phase has worn off, and it's back to reality. Most don't like their existence and expect their significant other to help fix their world when that responsibility is on them. You can and still should have great new moments with them, but sometimes life is boring, and just being around someone should be enough, but we know that's not the case.

Love how you did in the beginning!

Not fucking her, right.

This is a big one (pun intended), so I saved it last. You have to bang your women like there's no tomorrow! Sure, she won't like it super rough, but more times than not, she wants it. If laying it down isn't your strong point, you have to work on it or find someone else. She might stay if you have resources, but she will most likely cheat if your bed game isn't killer. If she does cheat, then she leaves. That's plain and simple. So work on your bed game to keep her sane!

Hump her right, or another man will!


Women are not meant to be kept. This applies the reverse way to men too. Ladies, live your life too! Only add someone in your life that's helping it. Work on yourself, and the right person will come along one day. Maybe you’ll want them. Perhaps you won't. But at least you’ll be good by yourself regardless.

Thank you for reading!



truth talk

The tongue is a powerful weapon. Speak wisely. This isn't hate, it's just the truth.